Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Ageing Miss Havisham

This image is from the masterclass with the brilliant Kate Benton, where she showed us how to correctly apply a wig, and multiple ageing techniques: veins, bags & discolouration, liver spots and wrinkles.


Here, I experimented with liquid latex and wrinkle stipple alongside my Kyrolan grease pallet to create different skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis.

The image on the right also involved heavy contouring to give the face and neck a gaunt look.

We then looked at products for colouring the hair, such as coloured hair sprays (the white on the dolls hair) and fullers earth, which gives a grey, powdery effect when worked into the roots of the hair.


In the above face chart, I focused on creating a mal-nourished and slightly aged Miss Havisham, by concentrating on contour and discolouration. I decided to use fullers earth in the roots, to give a more realistic outcome than the coloured sprays in my opinion. By placing wrinkles in specific places and only using a very thin layer of the wrinkle stipple, I hope to age Miss Havisham slightly, by inferring a lack of sleep.

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