Friday, 8 March 2013

Final Miss H images

This is my final Miss H look! I used a very fair foundation to take colour out of my model's face, then used very grey toned grease colours to contour the cheekbones, temple, jaw line, nose and collar bones. I ran the foundation over the lips too, then went back in with a small amount of colour to place right in the centre of the lips to give the impression that she has decayed and looks corpse like on the outside form sitting still and not talking much, but on the inside she is still alive. I also used wrinkle stipple under the eyes and on the lips to give a dry and crusty texture, and applied a powder to the forehead to create lines to age my model. I worked in fullers earth to the hair after curling and pinning the hair loosely into a Victorian up-do. I then added dried flowers and again coated with fullers earth to drain their colour and appear dusty. 


 I am pleased with the contouring of my model, as she does appear very gaunt, however I think that I should have been braver with the application of the colour as the wrinkles and other details aren't accurately picked up by the camera lens. Also, I would have used more fullers earth in the hair, as it looks very full of colour and life (expressing youth) in this image. In the next project I also really want to work on my styling and also testing more make-up ideas prior to shooting.
Additionally, to give more depth to my work and a unique twist, I would like to try shooting on location or with props in the studio to create more interesting final images.

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